Monday, November 3, 2014

November 2014 Visit to Cojutepeque, El Salvalvador

Hello all!

Thank you so very much for your continued prayers this year for the work in El Salvador. God has continued to bless the work at the church and the school in Cojutepeque. Many have gotten saved and baptized this year in the church. The students in the school (K-4 through 9th grade) are excited to finish their studies for the 2014 school year. (The school year there runs from late January to late November).
Students from my former 9th grade-graduates in 2013
I have heard from my students, church members, and friends in El Salvador almost daily since returning to the US. I am so excited to be able to return for a 10 day visit. My goal will be to see my former students, help in the church, encourage the missionaries there, go soulwinning, and serve wherever needed during my time there. It will be a joy to see my former students again, and even more so at graduation. I can't help but be proud of my students, knowing that those who were in classes last year have completed this school year and are graduating 9th grade this year.

Teachers and staff on graduation day, 2013

Sonia, the favorite staff member of the school,
as she runs the school snack shop. 

Carlos and Steven, two members of my 3rd grade class, 2013,
and two faithful attenders in the children's ministry in the church. 
Although the school in Cojutepeque currently does not extend beyond 9th grade, many of the former students attend the church and youth group functions regularly, receiving encouragement from other teens. It thrills my soul to see young people serving the Lord, even more so because of my invested interest in them. Praise God for changed lives and answered prayers regarding these young men and women.

Graduation Day!

I am so excited to see how the church body has changed. Towards the end of my year there many new visitors that were coming to the church. Some for the first time, and some returning after being away for quite a while. I've been praying faithfully for the girls in my Sunday school class there, and for those new visitors, of few of whom were saved before my departure.

It will also be exciting to see how the church building has changed. Construction began just days after the school year ended. The old building was completely demolished to accommodate a growing church family, and a nursery was added as well. I praise God for the opportunity to return and see all that God is doing there, and look forward to sending a few updates while away. 

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