Friday, May 31, 2013

May 2013 Cojutepeque El Salvador, and Graduation time!

May was quite the exciting month, both in El Salvador and in California! It was thrilling to be able to spend the first 2 weeks of May in Lancaster, California with my family and friends for my college graduation. The Lord answered so many prayer requests during this journey in so many ways, it was unbelievable. When I arrived in L.A. I had no baggage, only my purse. The airlines assured me that they would repay the cost incurred for whatever luggage I had lost, until my baggage was delivered to Lancaster.  So, shopping I went! Isn't God amazing! The most important things I needed (my Bible, my dresses for church the next day, and for graduation) were already taken care of, regardless if they were ever found or not. I was even provided with an (unexpected) place to stay that night!

The next day, the blessings continued. One of my friends, without me saying anything, walked up to me and offered me the keys to her new car, as long as I needed to use it. What an answer to prayer! I didn't even ask her! God is so good! God's goodness continued as I was introduced to friends of friends who offered to allow both me and my mom to stay with them the entire time I was in town!! They were the Snodgrass family and were mutual friends of one of my closest friends in Japan. Although I had never formally met Mrs. Snodgrass, the Lord connected us, and she and her family were a huge blessing to my mom and I the entire time we were there. Sunday afternoon back at church I was able to see some of the teenage girls from my Sunday School Class and was able to teach a lesson to them on being usable for God. It was so good to see them all, and to be able to share with them some of the things that I had learned during my short time in El Salvador. To make the day even better, I got news from El Salvador that Francisco and Isis, a couple that I met while door knocking, had finally made the decision to trust Christ as their personal Savior. What a joy!! Prayer works!

My teen Sunday School Class at Lancaster Baptist Church!

The week leading up to graduation allowed me attend an exciting Lancaster Baptist School "Potluck for Patriots" with one of my students from kids Choir (Oscar), catching up with friends over coffee, some appointments, and a trip to Sequoia National Park with my mom. We also packed in dinner and a concert at the Disney concert hall in Downtown Los Angeles as well as a trip to San Diego to see my Grandparents, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle and tackle some shopping, along with a fun road trip there and back. We also went to the USS Iowa in Long Beach-twice. It was an action packed week, and it was wonderful to get to spend some quality time with my family, especially my mom during this important time!

Potluck for Patriots!

Sequoia National Park with mom!

Mom and I at the USS Iowa in Long Beach!
The following day my grandmother and cousin arrived in California, proving to be every bit of fun I had hoped they would be. After a wonderful time together at church, we were all able to go out for a Mothers Day lunch. It was the first time my mom had ever had lobster! Although I'm still not sure if she liked it, or if she was just trying to be nice, she said she enjoyed it!

Mothers day with Mandy, Mom and Grandma!!

Graduation festivities followed the next day with an interesting round of Senior pictures bright an early with friends, and the class of 2013. Followed by a preaching contest, and a senior luncheon, and a wonderful spring recital. What a flurry of activity!

Kim, me, and Yanet!
Tuesday, the day before graduation, all was ready. Pictures were taken, clothes were set out, we were up early to get to graduation practice early to hear final words from Dr. Goetsch and Dr. Chappell before the big day. And wouldn't you know it, I was on my way to school (early) when got a flat on the side of the highway at 7 a.m.  What an adventure. Sunday clothes, side of the interstate, 7am, graduation practice, flat tire. Needless to say, I made it for the last 10 minutes, and was all the more nervous for graduation the next day because only 2 other students from my masters class was there for rehearsal so they had to remember details for all of us!

Tire changing pro! 

Graduation day came and went without a problem. I got to school without a flat tire, I didn't fall asleep during the ceremony, and I didn't trip on the platform. Those three things in my mind=success! We all had a great time afterwords having a get together with family and friends for a graduation celebration as well! It feels so great to be finished!!

Mom and I after the ceremony!

My classmates!!

Pastor, Mrs. Navarrete, and I

The remainder of my time in LA with my mom was spent getting my hair cut (a huge deal, as I cut it all off every 3 years to donate to kids with cancer) finishing some appointments, taking my mom to Sushi for the first time with a friend in beautiful Manhattan beach, and tidying up last second details. The trip back to Lancaster was such a wonderful experience with my mom there for graduation. It is always nice to have family close by for big occasions!

I was eager to jump back into things in El Salvador, and jump back in I did! The very next day we were back at it at school, and full force into classes. The afternoons were filled with tutoring and church preparations for our 4th anniversary Sunday at Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel.  

Midweek, Fernanda, one of my 8th grade students at school, as well as a member of our teen sunday school class at church bowed her head to receive Christ as her personal savior between classes. Praise the Lord!

Fernanda and I!

For anniversary Sunday, we had a record Sunday with 120 in attendance, and a cupcake for each person to celebrate God's goodness on the four year anniversary of the church. God has been really blessing the ministry here! I was overwhelmed to see about 20+ kids from my classes in the school in the church for service, listening to the Gospel. It was such a blessing to go home that afternoon knowing that one of those that heard the Gospel received Christ as their personal Savior and has a changed eternal destiny!

The cupcake tower!

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