Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 2013 Cojutepeque El Salvador

New experiences are always fun. March gave me the opportunity to have so many new experiences it was hard to keep up with! I was the secretary, gym teacher, art teacher, and the usual (and favorite) teacher's assistant. What fun!

Being secretary also comes with the perks of an assistant-Micah Fridenstine-to help sort paperclips.

Some of the kids from 6th grade warming up during gym class
4th grade boys starting English class

Esther is in charge of the music at the church, and its so fun to sing, especially in church. She allowed Oscar (one of the teens in the church, and school) and I to sing with her for a special. It was fun to sing in church again, and as always, its great to be in a small group rather than a solo any day! It's a privilege to be in a place where we are able to worship freely, without fear of reprisal.

Praise the Lord that this month I was able to start my thesis. It is my last requirement on the list for graduation. It is my prayer that I will be present in Lancaster, CA in May at West Coast Baptist College. I am excited to be done with school-for now.

Each week we take time to go soul winning, or door knocking. This is a scheduled time each week that we as a church have to reach out to others. It involves visiting those that attended the service for the first time on Sunday, and encouraging them to return. It also involves phone calls who have not been to church in a couple weeks, or those that are sick. Cojutepeque is a very hilly city, and this makes driving and walking during door knocking fun sometimes. We have had more involvement this month than any other time this year. Normally as a group we were handing out around 200 invitations/Gospel tracts, encouraging people to visit the church. With more involvement, this number skyrocketed! We are able to distribute anywhere from 500-800 on any given day. Many hands make light work! Thank God for those who get excited about telling others about Christ and His love!
Ashley-my regular 2nd grade soul winning partner

Because of the increased number of people from the church that are coming to soul winning/door knocking on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons, more people are being reached. I met a man on Saturday March 9th while handing out invitations to the church at a bus station. Stephanie and I were with one of the gentleman from the church, (Bro. Rivera) and he was encouraged to come.

On Sunday March 10th, Edwin came to our church for the first time. After talking with Adam, Edwin confessed that he had been confused about his beliefs, and wasn't sure what to believe any more. He was seeking more answers, and answers (from the Bible) is what he got from the message from Pastor at Iglesia Bautista Emanuel. He realized, after hearing the message that he was lacking something in his life. After hearing Pastor preach from the Bible, he realized his need, and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. The change was radical. He signed up for Bible college to learn more about the Bible that very same day!

Stephanie and I with Edwin, and Bro. Rivera

Tuesday Edwin returned to the church in the morning, to talk to pastor more, and learn more of what the Bible has to say. He shared his desire to tell others (especially his peers at school) of his new found faith as well. He returned for the West Coast Baptist College Interim classes that were offered Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday, on the Life of Christ. He got his first Bible Wednesday, and expressed his desire to be baptised, join the church, and grow in the things of the Lord. Its overwhelming. A few months ago, he was experiencing some problems in his personal life, and decided to fix them, but didn't know the way to go about it. He wanted to see what the Catholic church had to say about it, but was repeatedly turned away, and left empty handed. He went on, still lost. Then he met us a few months later. Yesterday, Edwin aspired to be a Catholic priest and follow the rules of the church. Today, he experienced the salvation of God in his life first hand, and can't wait to learn more from the Bible. He now realizes that his salvation doesn't rely in what he can do on his own, but what Jesus Christ already did for him on the cross. What a change! What an answer to prayer!

Many of the people that attend Iglesia Bautista Emanuel are members. But there are many that are regular attenders that are not members. This church began few years ago, but last March was officially "born" when all the paperwork was finished for it to be a legal entity. A charter (fancy name for list) was started, and was signed by those who wanted to be members last March. Periodically throughout the year, people could, and would sign the charter to become members.  At a special service the night of March 10th, we officially closed the charter that was opened one year ago. On this night 14 people from the church decided to add their name to the charter. It was encouraging to hear the stories of the people that have been attending the church, and have a desire to serve here from a teacher at the school, to some of the teen girls in our Sunday school class.  Praise the Lord for these faithful people that have been added to the membership of the church here! What a blessing. Missions is what its all about.

Wendy, waiting in line to sign the charter at the charter service

Getting a new flag at the school

This month we also had three guests from Honduras stay with us. They traveled nearly 12 hours by bus from Honduras to join other students at Iglesia Bautista Emanuel for West Coast Baptist College (WCBC) Interim Classes. In the morning Bro. Lester taught on the Life of Christ, and in the afternoon, he covered Methodical Bible Studies.  Our Honduran guests were excited to come here for the first time to attend the classes and said that they are excited to return and study more in our June interim classes. They also mentioned that they would be bringing at least four more church members with them to share in the experience! Please pray as preparations for the next courses continues. The next courses will be taking place throughout the summer as WCBC professors travel here to teach the classes. A lot of work and preparation is put into each of the classes. Much time is required for the teaching of these classes, from the lesson translations to travel, to promoting the classes to the actual class itself. Please pray for the students, and the professors.

Stephanie and I with our visitors from Honduras

This month, as with every month, I pray to have a visitor. While out soul winning/door knocking this month I was able to talk to a man named Francisco. I briefly invited him, and went on my way. His house appears to have two front doors, so other members of the church knocked on the other main door of his house, and invited him again! After talking to him again, we encouraged him to come attend a service on Sunday, and got a non-committal response. We returned once more Saturday night before the service, but did not have the opportunity to meet with him. He failed to come on Sunday morning, but did bring his lovely wife Isis with him on Sunday night! What a joy! Not only did Francisco come, but I made a new friend with his wife, who is five months pregnant, with their first child. We are excited to have them as regular attenders of the church. Its is excited to see them come and learn from the Bible. Please pray that they will continue to learn more from God's word, and they they may see their need for the Savior.

March 19th a large group from Lancaster Baptist Church arrived. It was great to make new friends, catch up with old ones, and see my pastor! We were able to meet the group at a main bus stop in San Salvador and hand out about 8,000 invitations for a new church in San Salvador in less than 4 hours. Praise the Lord for the many that were involved!

Busy places like Metro Centro bring busy people on their way to work! We invited a clown!

Following this was a special dinner for the graduates and their family, as well as the Lancaster Group.
Monday night was a special time, as there was a dinner for the those that had completed their one year Bible certificate from WCBC, and would be graduating later that evening. It was also a great chance to introduce some of the typical food to those who were here visiting with the missions trip group. Pastor Navarrete preached a great message, and hosted the graduation ceremony. It was encouraging to hear that all of the graduates of the one year Bible program plan to continue their education, and all are seeking a four year degree from West Coast Baptist College.

The graduates (on the left) ready to recieve their graduation certificates

The following day we were again joined by the Lancaster group, and were able to hand out 1,250 invitations to residents here in the city of Cojutepeque. We were able to at least 100 in attendance that night for a special service commemorating the 50th anniversary of the school. Of these 100 in attendance, at least one man accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

This (busy) week with the group wrapped up with a fun time zip lining on Friday. It was nice to be able to take some time and explore a bit of the country side, and have some down time with the group. Although good-byes are never fun, I have no doubt that I'll see many of them again soon!

Members of the Lancaster Baptist Church missions trip group

After a whirlwind week with the group, we went even faster. The following day was the last chance to prepare for a new church plant in San Salvador. About 40 people rallied together and took a trip to San Salvador to the same area (near the location of the church, a main bus stop, Metro Centro) to hand out flyers. We were able to pass out an additional 2,500 flyers that afternoon, and talk to a lot of very nice, open people. This is the first (and only) church in San Salvador, and probably El Salvador that will have services in English. The church is being led by Pastor Luis Callejas, and the English services are directed by Missionary Nic Ruby. Those of us from Cojutepeque, as well as the Ruby's, and the Callejas' were able to have a nice time in prayer, preperation, and planning before the first service in the place where they are currently meeting.

Several members of the Cojutepeque group in San Salvador before the first service

Praise the Lord for all the fun we had in Sunday School and kids church with nine children! We had such a blast together learning the story of Palm Sunday!

Kiddie Church fun!

  • Running, hot water
  • Extension paper work was granted-I am allowed to stay in country for an additional amount of time. Normally a visitor has to leave the country (as well as Central America) for a period of 72 hours if this extension paperwork is not granted.
  • Hot, running water! The water at the house was not only cold for two weeks, but it was nearly shut off, only dripping most of the time. Praise the Lord that we were able to get it taken care of in a short amount of time! I am so thankful to have running water, and even more grateful that its hot!
  • Visitors Francisco and Isis
  • One salvation on the anniversary of our school
  • Involvment of the teens in the church, attending, singing, and soulwinning faithfully

Pastor Callejas and Pastor Ruby in the first service.
Funny story: I had the opportunity to work in kiddie church one Sunday and teach Sunday School. The kids in this class were from four years old to about nine. We learned about the wall of Jericho. These kids loved marching around the classroom and blowing their "horns" when the wall fell down...or so I thought. Immediately following the song time at the end, one of the students said, "Mrs. Rivera IS going to be back next Sunday-right?" Gotta love pointed questions!

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