Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 2013 Cojutepeque, El Salvador

Life this month has been thrilling! April kicked off with Dr. and Mrs. Sisk coming to visit! It was exciting to have them here, as this was their first visit to El Salvador! We were honored to have Dr. Sick preach several times, as well as to kick start our building project. All of the teen girls enjoyed having Mrs. Sisk here as well, as she taught the lesson to our class! What a blessing it was to have such a sweet couple come and visit us here! We are hoping they come back soon, and spread the word about the work, and the need for laborers here in El Salvador!

Mrs. Sisk and I!

The most personally thrilling date for April was the 15th, for several reasons. 1. I could breath a sigh of relief, because, although my taxes were due, I was out of the country yet again, and got an automatic 60 day extension and could procrastinate just that much longer! 2. Its my birthday again! 3. My 66 page thesis was due to be turned in at 6pm. So, wouldn't you know it, to add a little thrill to the day, my internet crashed around 5:50 pm while trying to submit my Thesis. I was able to get it submitted at 5:55p.m. My lovely roommate, as well as my boss and his family knocked on my door about 5 minutes later singing happy birthday with a cake in hand, candles lit and all. I had become so consumed in my studies, I hadn't given cake, nor a party a whole lot of thought. It was the perfect end to a well accomplished day! Graduation here we come!

Life as a teacher as daily humbled me, and has been an area of growth. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work here. It is wonderful to be able to have a daily influence on the lives of the kids here in a positive manner that will last for eternity. Working here at the school has also given me the opportunity to grow closer to some of the teachers too! One of our more experienced teachers and church member as well, has been coming to the school almost every afternoon for help regarding her computer skills. What a interesting experience its been introducing her to the world of computers!

One of the families in the church offered to take us away for an afternoon-this view is "Puerto del Diablo" overlooking much of San Salvador with one of our most faithful church members, Yanni. 

Another highlight of the month was our youth night. Those are always my favorite activities. Its amazing to see all of the potential that surrounds you! The theme for the night was crazy hats. You were not allowed to enter unless you came with a crazy hat. We had them all! From cardboard box to birds' nest, the competition was on! In the end, one of the teen girls with a birds nest hat took home the prize! The night kicked off with some food and introduction games, and then the highlight. Hide and seek in the dark. There's nothing more scary than going into a school or a church in the dark. Some how, I think the boys team won. But we all had fun in the process...although we didn't win, we sure have our spots picked out for next time! The youth activity ended with the lesson from Pastor Adam on ten tips for their lives. I hope that the teens learned from their experience, and the (very good) lesson from Adam. It is my prayer that they will return for the next event. These ten practical tips on living right will no doubt guide these teens in the right direction as they seek to find their way in life. I can't wait to see how they use their lives, and potential for God!

Crazy Hat night with the teens!