Thursday, January 31, 2013

First month of Life in El Salvador-January 2013

Life this January has been exciting! Immediately after celebrating the new year with my family in Iowa, I departed for Cojutepeque, El Salvador.
The last several weeks have (undoubtedly) brought many new experiences. We arrived late at night, and the next day, I found myself in teacher orientation at 7am. I hit the ground running, and that's pretty much been the pace for month of January. The remainder of the that week, and the next week as well, brought the completion of teacher orientation, building modifications, classroom preparations, and painting along with the first day of school!

Group of teachers and staff at Colegio Emanuel, with Dr. Salazar after Teacher orientation.

Steph and I painting the 2nd grade classroom.

Originally, it was thought that I'd be assisting with 1st-3rd grade English classes as a teacher assistant. A few days into school, it morphed into the entire 1st through 9th grade (that's about 200 kids). Change, as I've come to learn is constant, and, a good thing. I enjoy every single one of my classes here with these kids. I'm looking more changes in this area-I'll keep you posted!
Stephanie (my roommate) and I took great pleasure in taking part in the teen activity that happens once every couple of months. We had a scavenger hunt, Bible Study, games, food and fun.  Its always a joy to be around young people that have a desire to grow in Christ. We have faithful teens each week during our soul winning time who have a heart for God, and like to reach out to others who are their age as well.

Teen Scavengar hunt-they required the Fridenstine's Dog for one point.

Jr./Sr. High girls Bible Study as a part of the teen activity in our home.
I've gotten a few inquiries as to what my "regular schedule" is like. A schedule I have, but something of regularity, I do not. A "regular" thing is being in the classroom Monday-Friday from 7-12. After lunch, I am available from 1-4 for after school English tutoring, as well as a computer monitor/homework helper for other subjects in the Internet cafe at the school. During this time, I also take private Spanish lessons. This also is a great time to do things that need to be done for school, like grade papers, and plan upcoming classes. Oftentimes, there are things that need to be done in the church, perhaps organizing, planning things, or helping Esther (Mrs. Fridenstine) with a project, so this time is also used for that.
Tuesdays are exciting because there is Soul winning at 4. Wednesdays we have church in the evening, and Thursdays Adam and Esther (Fridenstine) will to have some time to themselves while Stephanie and I watch the boys. Friday night is sometimes an activity, or discipleship, perhaps preparation for school that following week. Saturday afternoons we have soul winning, followed by making sure the church is ready for the Sunday service. For the morning and evening services on Sunday, we help Esther prepare for the service in whatever ways possible in preparation for the arrival of the church family. Sundays I'm also in the girls Sunday school class, and help with games, which is always a delight. There is a regular attendance of 10-12 girls in our class. Please pray for growth as the teens invite others.

Some of the teen girls playing a game in Sunday School in January.
We were privileged to have missionaries Mr. and Mrs. White come and visit us from Canada. She was our guest speaker at our ladies meeting and what a blessing she was! She spoke on being a better Christian, and how we needed to be as a sharpened pencil-one that's ready to write, to work. Not being a pencil that is dull, broken, or not sharpened at all but is brand new, just sitting on the desk. Its great to see ladies present for these special event, eager to learn, happy to be present, and learning more about how to grow in their walk with Christ together with other believers. The fellowship comes as a welcome break to many of them that do not attend our church regularly, or perhaps would not normally come to a church service. Mari, is a dear sweet older lady that was saved about a year ago when an evangelist from Lancaster, CA came here to teach a distance learning course. She hasn't been attending regularly, but after this meeting, she walked to the church for 1-2 services. Shes a delight to be around. Please pray that this pattern would continue!

Beginning the meal during ladies night
Upcoming special events for February: Friend Day is tomorrow, February 17. Please pray for Pastor as he preaches, for clarity, the salvation message, and wisdom and discernment. My roommate and I have invited many to this special day. Please pray that they would ALL come, especially my neighbors, Concepcion, and Mauricio.
There is so much that goes on here, I thank you very much for your prayers. God bless you, and thank you for your support, both prayerfully, and financially! 

Left to right is Stephanie (my roommate) me, Adriana, and Alejandra. They are both faithful soul winners, and members of our teen girls class. We had a quick moment to take a picture overlooking some of Cojutepeque during our regularly scheduled soul winning times.